Congratulations Monica and thank you for your narrative explaining your difficulties and process.

There is definitely No justice, the system is skewed bias to the government where they have all the cards and you have none. Anyone can be arrested and charged without tangible evidence or satisfaction of the "Sufficiency of Evidence Test". The only path is then to defend oneself and pay the psychological and monetary costs to do so. Significant and real change needs to be implemented along with reviewed competency of the law and those whom are employed to uphold it.

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Congratulations Monica on your bittersweet victory. You are an incredible example to us all of unwavering resilience, tenacity, endurance, courage, strength, persistence, faith and fight!

Thankyou for giving all that you have, your very best, and never giving up, fighting for us all, to set a precedent. As you well know, fighting for TRUTH and for God is the hardest path, but SO well worth it in the end.

May God continue to bless you with all that you need, with supernatural strength and ability to do amazing things and to continue inspiring us all to be and do our best.

Kind regards,

Nicole - NSW.

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The fact that they offered you money to go away is evidence that they knew they were in the wrong for prosecuting you. Here in the States, this would mean they pay all court costs for both sides, plus you are eligible for punitive damages which should total in the million$ depending on how long they tortured you after they knew they were in the wrong. I'm so sorry your legal system is so messed up there. But nobody gets away with anything in the end. God will give to you what is owed, and take it from them 10 fold, if not in this life, then in the next.

God bless you Monica for being the voice of normal people outside the political machine.

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Hey Monica, why is THIS not on top of the 'news' pile, even on the supposed 'pro rights and truth' media, as small as that cohort is???

We all know why.

God bless you and keep you, and we honour and thank you, in the knowledge that there is a LONG, LONG WAY TO GO, for ALL OF US, but YOUR courage and resolve has shown that there IS a path to RIGHTS and TRUTH.

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Sep 17Edited

Sister to Sister, thank you Monica, you truly are making use of your God given Activism gift! Keep going you brave woman, the next one is the big one. Hoping you can get a Barrister pro bono. It's a pride thing in the Courts, they take a dim view if you self represent without the qualifications to be at the Bar Table (no matter what your skill). It's wrong, but its just the way it is. I think you did a wonderful job and am grateful for your service to others. God Bless You 🙏🤗😘

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Congratulations Monica. The system is corrupt and no longer serves proper justice for The People. Time to restore proper justice with courts of the People.

You are a legend.

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Being able to log in zoom and witness you in action during court was impressive. They had the full monty and then there was you. Just you (and 'Mckenzie friend)'... and you Won. So good to see you on this platform. I look forward to this evolution of change. Bring it on!

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The simple fact is that you lost. The other simple fact is that while medical professionals were risking their lives (and losing their lives) and members of YOUR community were dying of covid YOU decided you were more important than everyone else, faked being a journalist, and set out for some fame and fortune. It backfired and you've been exposed as the petty privileged grifter that you are. Best of luck.

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Sorry, no. The media was lying about who died. Still is. There was no pandemic. It was all hype over the seasonal flu rebranded as covid. Death rates were no higher then normal and false positive 'covid pcr' tests made it seem like the end of the world.

Sadly, it's actually the vaxxed who are now dying. 17 million have died from the covid 'vax' according to some estimates. Not to mention the tens of millions of injured.

Please, for your own sake, stop taking vaccines. I care about you and the rest of the population who've been injecting this toxin into their bodies. Including the bodies of healthy babies.

Don't you see? This is how totalitarianism starts. With fear. Then mandates. Then complete loss of freedom - slavery for you and future generations.

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My Dad took on the a t. o . He won the case and lost all his assets. It took years to finalize and caused him much grief. We all detest the a t o. It was ab horrent.

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You have access to the internet how about doing some of your own research into COVID plandemic and there so called vaccines, look up the definition on a journalist and Monica fits the definition.

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It's interesting to see that so many WOMEN are on the frontlines of these political battles. Kellie Jay Keen, J'K. Rowling, Naomi Wolf and so many others. I will be watching this trial from Canada and supporting you. We're now in the endgame of civilization. It'd all of us against the oligarchs, the predator class. They desperately want to create totalitarian one world government but it's women like you - relentless, wholehearted and powerful - who will have the last word. Thank you!

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You knew the risk of that happening but you chose to go ahead in the hopes of getting hundreds of thousands, it backfired on you. Now you expect everyone else to pay the fee's for an appeal that will likely be rejected before it gets to court . Give it up before you lose everything

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You don't actually explain this very well. I assume the $240k is to pay the govt's costs for the 1 cases you lost? The loser pays the winner's court costs. So you won 2 and they won 1. If their costs are $240k, surely yours can be double for the two you won.

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That's not how it works

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Thank you Monica for standing firm and strong.For standing up for the truth.May it give you ongoing courage to know people all over the world are supporting you in prayer and like thinking.Sending Warm Regards from Canada.

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Firstly “Congratulations” & many “Brick Bat’s” to The Vic Police For Their “ Tom Foolery” & General “ Shit Fuckery” on This Matter……

To Deny True Justice by this Court is Exposing The Hypocrisy of The Whole System…..

Give ‘Em another Round of “ Shitfucky” until They Change The System……

There Pieces of “ Dog Shit”.

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I thought you had a fundraiser up? Where did it go?

I did see that it had raised around 5000K and then disappeared.

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